Gain a better understanding of the RapidBuild system by watching our informative videos below.



Product Videos

Our extensive range of videos illustrates each independent section of the RapidBuild system. It shows a full on site demonstration and individual aspects of the system. It also shows a full timelapse example of a six bedroom house being built in eleven and a half days.

For all our videos, please visit our youtube channel.


A video demonstrating how the scaffolding design and requirements are used with conjunction of the RapidBuild system


A video demonstrating the ring beam being laid on DPC and the importance of its purpose within the RapidBuild system.

Building in Cavity Closer

A video demonstrating the Cavalok cavity closer being built into the blockwork within the inner skin ready for the window installation.

Fitting Brace

A video demonstrating the RapidBuild components being fitted and attached to the scaffolding to ensure stability of the inner skin.

Brace locations

A video demonstrating an example of brace locations within the inner skin of the RapidBuild system.

Truss Brace

A video demonstrating how the gable can be attached to the attic truss to ensure total stability

Breathable Membrane & Insulation

A video demonstrating the fitting and performance of the insulation and breathable membrane within the cavity.

Internal view of installed windows

A video demonstrating the fitting of the windows within the inner skin.

Blockwork Joints

A video demonstrating the performance of the blockwork showing the blockwork joints on both sides.

Plot 8 Time Lapse

A video demonstrating a case study example of a six bedroom house built in eleven and half days.

Taking out brace

A video demonstrating how to take the RapidBuild brace out of the wall and filling the joints.


A video demonstrating the skill level involved within the RapidBuild system.

Mortar droppings

A video demonstrating the amount of mortar droppings in a traditional build and the reduction with the RapidBuild system.


A video demonstrating the ledgers in the scaffolding design.

On site Demonstration

A video demonstrating each step by step process of the RapidBuild system.


View a complete series of RapidBuild Technical Documents to gain a fuller understanding of the system and it’s user benefits.


A detailed step by step process of the RapidBuild system.

RapidBuild Advantages

A series of advantageous claims of the RapidBuild system.

Prototype Diary

A case study example of six bedroom house built in 13 days.

Scaffolding Drawings

A typical example of a three bedroom detached house scaffolding design.

Technical Drawings

A series of technical drawings illustrating all components and 3D images of the RapidBuild System.

Typical Example

A typical example of a three bedroom detached house step by step build process.